Talk Like a Droid

In the previous lesson, we learned how to make Chatterbox listen for a word, then speak a message. In this lesson, we'll learn more about how Chatterbox can understand commands or utterances.

How to build a basic "Simon says" skill

Yesterday, we learned how to make Chatterbox listen for a key word or phrase. That key phrase or

anything the user says is called an utterance. Once Chatterbox hears a key phrase itโ€™ll

execute any blocks contained inside the When I Hear block. But how do we get Chatterbox to repeat

what we say similar to Simon Says?

๐Ÿ‘‚ Repeat After Me

An utterance is the key phrase, anything else is called the utterance remainder. Both the

utterance and the utterance remainder are handy tools for getting your Chatterbox to do

things in skills.

You can find the utterance and utterance remainder blocks in the Variables category.

Voices, Voices and more Voices!

Did you know that Chatterbox can speak using different voices? It actually has a special block that allows you to change the voice of Chatterbox in skills called the Speak with Voice block

๐Ÿ Skill Challenge: Speak like a Droid

Using the Speak with Voice block, how can you make Chatterbox speak like a R2D2 droid?

Try saying: โ€œR2-D2 says may the force be with youโ€ is the translated speech matching the key phrase? If not, try tweaking the key phrase to match the translation in the chat log window.

โœ… Review

To review, we learned that an utterance is whatever the user speaks. The utterance remainder block is a variable that can be used to repeat parts of the user's command.